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Recognizing the crucial role they play in supporting inclusive financial services providers, for the first time ever social and development investors have come together to agree on a set of common principles and processes to work with providers affected by COVID-19. These two initiatives -- the Memorandum of Understanding on "Coordination among MIVs in response to Covid 19" and the Pledge on "Key principles to protect microfinance institutions and their clients in the COVID-19 crisis" -- represent a major step in ensuring that investors can provide the most effective and coordinated support possible.
A key factor in the success of these initiatives is critical mass. We thus call upon all investors to join these efforts -- not only by signing on to one or both of these agreements, but also by implementing the principles and guidance that they embody. To add your institution's name to these initiatives, please email
A separate initiative has been launched by ADA to coordinate the technical assistance (TA) and grants provided by a group of social investors and NGOs. To learn more and join this coordination group, please contact the ADA team.
In addition, the Financial Inclusion Equity Council (FIEC), representing equity investors in the sector, issued a statement that they "commit to working with the entire investor community to achieve maximum cooperation among stakeholders."
Press Release

MoU Signatories
Pledge Signatories

Additional signatories
Original signatories

Original signatories
Additional signatories

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